[fvplayer id="87"] Wednesday Schedule 5:15-5:50 Dinner 6:00-6:25 Prayer Gathering 6:00-7:30 Kids & Teens 6:30-7:30 LifeGroups Prayer Gatheri
Category: news
The Full Armor of God: Living a Life of Victory
Just as athlete would not go into a game without the right equipment, neither does the solider go into battle without the right equipment. So, how d
Winter Festival
Mark your calendar for Winter Fest on Sunday, February 16, 2025 (after the 11 AM service) as this is an event you won't want to miss. The afternoon
FOCAS Ice Cream Social
FOCAS (Fellowship of Adult Singles (18+) is hosting an evening of games, laughter, and connectivity over an ice cream bar. Mark your calendar for this
Membership Matters
Through this course, we're going to learn that church membership is a privilege made possible through Jesus. We'll also learn that church membersh
Voice in the Wilderness
In this Bible Study we will learn from the example of John the Baptist that the voice of God needs be heard outside the walls. We must take the mess
The Battle Belongs to the Lord
Join us Sunday Nights Life is not without it's battles but fortunately we have God's Word to guide us to victory. In this study of Bible Battles
Ladies ZOOM Bible Recap (ZBR)
Attention ladies (18+) join other women in reading the Bible Chronologically in a Year from January 1,2025 - December 31,2025 If you have ever closed
Christmas Eve 2024
Join us on Christmas Eve 5:30 PM - Mt. Calvary Sanctuary Your entire family is invited to join us for a worship celebration of the birth of our Savi
Free Advent Calendar