Get in a group

Get in a group

Get in a Group

LifeGroups are small groups of people who gather in either homes, a classroom, or wherever else to center on God’s Word, prayer, worship, serving and living life together.  This serves as the foundation for deep truly life-changing relationships.  LifeGroups are vessels of the church which create a safe environment where people can encounter Jesus Christ, find resources and relationships to nurture spiritual growth.

The purpose of a LifeGroup is a three-fold: Spiritual Growth (love for God & others), Biblical Community (accountability, belonging, & care) based on Acts 2:42-47 and fulfilling the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20).


To find a LifeGroup click below


We also offer Short-Term LifeGroups that meet on Wednesdays for MdWk on campus.  To find out more about these short-term groups and MdWk is then click HERE


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