Last year V.A. has provided hundreds of food boxes by partnered with us and other churches to fulfill the needs of the folks in Central Appalachia. In the boxes are a written letter from the president of V.A. explaining how people can have their sins forgiven through a relationship with Jesus Christ, where folks can get connected to a local church and a Bible.

In order for us to achieve our goal of making 50 Food Boxes, we need your help in providing food. We’re collecting food at service entrances from now until Sunday, February 4.
5 lb. of flour
5 lb. of sugar
1 large container of applesauce
1 large peanut butter
1 large Velveeta cheese
1 lb. of margarine
5 lb. of potatoes
1 large bag of Navy beans
1 dozen of eggs
1 loaf of bread
2 cans of canned meat, spam chicken, or tuna
1 disinfectant wipes
1 roll of paper towels
4 cans of soup
If you are unable to drop off food, then you can donate directly to Vision Appalachia by clicking HERE