The Full Armor of God: Living a Life of Victory

The Full Armor of God: Living a Life of Victory

Just as athlete would not go into a game without the right equipment, neither does the solider go into battle without the right equipment.  So, how do you contend with the war that’s inside of you, the minefields set by your own flesh and aided by satan and his demons?

Scripture is clear that God has granted us everything we need by putting on His armor to withstand temptation and be victorious in living for Christ.  Join us during this series as we will explain and apply each article of armor from Ephesians 6:10-18

Session One – Our Enemies (Ephesians 6:10-13)

Session Two – The Belt of Truth

In this message you will learn the importance of circling your life with God’s truth. You will learn to value the gift that leads to your spiritual maturity.