The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

Join us Sunday Nights

Life is not without it’s battles but fortunately we have God’s Word to guide us to victory.  In this study of Bible Battles we will discover principles to help us with current struggles and to prepare for what may come.  So, make plans to invest your time in Scriptural study as we together find confidence that the battle belongs to the Lord.

1 Samuel 17:47

Then all this assembly shall know that the LORD does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the LORD’s, and He will give you into our hands.”


The Battle Belongs to the Lord

In this study, we begin to understand that the Battle is the Lord’s. and how our thinking can either hurt us or help us.

The Battle of Siddim

In this message we see Abram acknowledged that God gave the victory over the alliance of kings, and he honored God by not making a deal with the King of Sodom.

The Battle of Depression and Discouragement (Job 30:16-31)

Many of us have either felt like or known someone depressed, discouraged & thought that life wasn’t supposed to turn out this way. Job knew all about this battle of the mind as we’ll discover three realities and how to respond.


The Battle for Godly Leadership (Judges 14-15)

Will you be courageous for God or will you be indecisive? In this message you will see that the next generation needs our boldness.


The Heart of a Warrior (2 Kings 6:8-22)

In this account of one of the more unusual battles in the Bible, we learn that there is more going on around us and within us than we can normally see.


In the Battle- Focus on God

In order to experience God’s victory we must move from self-focus to a God-focused life.

Battle of the Regret (2 Samuel 18)

All of us have second guessed decisions that we have made whether in our professional or personal lives. From this text you will navigate from the battle of regret to restoration.



Battle of Armageddon

In this message God’s longsuffering reaches its end as man hardens his heart by worshipping the beast. Jesus returns to establish His throne, and He brings the saints with Him.