

Just as every person has a unique finger print; each of us have a unique story to tell.

Telling your story to others may make you feel uncomfortable at first but your story doesn’t have to be a big production.  Sharing your story invites others into an open conversation that gives people a sense of what makes you; you.  Also, sharing your story may lead them to share about their current beliefs, future ideas, and past experiences allowing you an opportunity to talk about having a relationship with Jesus.

People are generally curious to know who is around them and because of this you have an opportunity to connect with others by sharing your story.  You’ll be amazed of how people will relate to parts of your story but overall amazed of how God will use your story for His glory!

How to Tell Your Story

1. Your story should only be one page length and about 4 minutes long (average time you have to gain a person’s attention)

2. Three categories make up your faith story.

  • What your life was like before Christ
  • How you encountered Christ
  • What your life in Christ is like now

As you think about each category above ask yourself what were the pivotal points (people, places, and events) that took place in your faith journey

  • What made them pivotal?
  • How were you changed through them?

3. Practice sharing your story with someone you know who will give you feedback

4. Be ready to share your story so God can get the glory!

Learn how to share the Gospel in 3 simple ways by watching this quick video here